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Digital Bergsmansafton - Föredrag om väteförsprödning och nästa generations högpresterande legeringar med högre motstånd mot väteförsprödning.

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Varmt välkomna till Digital Bergsmansafton via Teams med docent Ehsan Ghassemali, Tekniska högskolan i Jönköping. I sitt föredrag kommer Ehsan att berätta om mekanismerna bakom väteförsprödning i metalliska material samt utvecklingen av nästa generations högpresterande legeringar med högre motstånd mot väteförsprödning.

Onsdagen den 21 september

The efficient use of Hydrogen (H2) as a green energy carrier enables many emerging technologies with reduced or zero carbon footprint in the industry and society. There are, however, challenges in the full implementation of H2 as a fuel or energy career. Namely, the infrastructure requires more development, characterized by so far more than 300-billion-dollar global investments until 2030. There is an urgent need to design and develop high-performance alloys that are durable against hydrogen embrittlement (HE), which impacts the entire value chain of H2, from production to storage and consumption in a spectrum of sectors from transportation to energy and household. This webinar intends to summarize HE mechanisms in metallic materials and explore new possibilities for developing next-generation high-performance alloys against HE.

Ehsan Ghassemali is a docent (Assoc. Prof) at Tekniska högskolan i Jönköping, with a background in physical and mechanical metallurgy. His research interest includes developing high-performance metallic materials that can withstand harsh conditions based on industrial needs. The core of such research questions relies on the microstructure-properties-processing relationship in metals. In this regard, both modelling (computational thermodynamics, FEM, etc.) and experimental studies (processing and advanced characterization) are pursued in his group. Sustainability, eco-friendliness, cost-efficiency, and alignment with industrial needs are always top priorities in our research.

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Anmälan senast den 19 september.

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